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    Rione Trastevere

    Trastevere è il nome del tredicesimo rione di Roma, indicato con R. XIII.

    Un tipico vicolo di Trastevere

    The name derives from the Latin trans Tiberim (beyond the Tiber), which was the ancient name of the Augustan region, and this because the city had its origin and principal development instead in the opposite side.







    Piazza dei Mercanti

    Via della Lungaretta in un quadro di Ettore Roesler Franz del 1880

    At the time of the origins of Rome (754-509 BC), the area of Trastevere was a hostile land that belonged to the Etruscans. Rome conquered it in order to monitor the river from both sides. In any case, his only concern was strategic: Rome was not interested in extending urban point on that side. Trastevere was in fact connected to the rest of the city only by a faint bridge of wood, Sublicio.

    In the Republican era, areas near the river were populated by workers who had to do with the river, as sailors and fishermen, and there was a large influx of Eastern immigrants, mostly Syrians ebreie. For this reason some temples were built in the area of eastern cults and among these, heading towards the Janiculum Hill, is open on cd Syrian sanctuary.

    The consideration of the area as part of the city begins with the Emperor Augustus, who divided the Roman territory into 14 regions, the current Trastevere was the fourteenth and was called the Royal transtiberina. However, this region was still outside the city proper, at least until the Emperor Aurelian (270-275 AD), who made larger protecting walls to include Trastevere and the Vatican hill.

    Thanks to the wealth of the imperial, many personalities decided to build his villa in Trastevere: one of Clodia, a friend of Catullus, and that of Gaius Julius Caesar (Horti Caesaris). The remains of a Roman villa – whose frescoes are preserved in the Palazzo Massimo – were found near the present Villa Farnesina. Other evidence of Roman Trastevere are mainly those of the Seventh Court dell’Excubitorium Brigade and placed under the domus of the churches of Santa Cecilia, San Grisogono. To these, known for some time, we must also consider the remains found very recently in the former Conservatory of S. Pasquale Baylon, via dei Genovesi.

    The medieval Trastevere had narrow, winding and irregular, moreover, because of mignani, jutting projections along the facades of houses, there was no space for carriages to pass. At the end of 400 mignani these were demolished, but despite that, Trastevere remained a maze of narrow streets.

    There was a strong contrast between the rich and big houses of lords and the hovels of the poorest people.

    The roads had no type of paving to the end of 400 thanks to the intervention of Pope Sixtus IV, who became the first paved roads with some bricks were used in a herringbone pattern, later with cobblestones, more suited to the wheels of the wagons . A change there was in 1586 by Pope Sixtus V, who stared at the fourteen districts of Rome. In this subdivision Trastevere was the thirteenth, and it was incorporated the Borgo district.

    Due to the partial isolation (it was beyond the Tiber) and multicultural environment since the time of ancient Rome, the inhabitants of Trastevere, Trastevere called, were formed almost a separate population: common people of note tenacity, fierceness and genuineness. In addition, women were considered very beautiful, with very dark eyes and hair and handsome features.

    In 1744 Pope Benedict XIV made a revision of the delimitation of wards, giving Trastevere current boundaries.

    After 1870 the walls were built to stop flooding of the Tiber: it certainly brought greater security at the cost of the destruction of all the most characteristic features that were on the shore.

    In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century became fairly famous in the district and the figure in the city of Romeo Ottavianidetto er jock, bully, er more de Trastevere, stabbed dead in Via del Moro.

    Tempi moderni

    Today Trastevere still maintains its character through the winding streets covered with cobblestones overlooked by medieval houses. The night is full of people, both Italian and foreign, thanks to the wealth of restaurants and pubs for every price range.

    It is one of the liveliest quarters, characteristic and self-sufficient city. It offers typical Roman restaurants (very famous in collegiate Cencio The dirty word because of the mutual insults, and the Rugantino Gigetto) and pizza as well as cinemas, markets (San Cosimato was just recently renovated), banks, pharmacies, supermarkets, shops of every kind and elegant shops.

    Another trait that characterizes the area a monument to Gioachino Belli, emblem Trastevere.

    How to reach it

    da Largo Argentina due fermate del tram 8; da Piramide prendi il 280 oppure il tram 3; da Piazza Venezia (Via del Teatro Marcello) prendi il 44; da Termini prendi il bus H.

    Di notte da Trastevere: 
    per Piazza Venezia prendi il 44N che passa per Viale Trastevere; quindi da Piazza Venezia per arrivare a Piramide o Termini basta prendere il 91N.

    To Eat

    Pizzeria Dar Poeta – Vicolo del Bologna, 45       06 588 0516


    Trattoria Da Teo

    Ristorante Da Teo – Piazza dei ponziani, 7/a     06 581 8355